H1N1...a word from casualty mo...
Personel Protective Equipment(PPE) only needed during aerosol related procedure(taking throat swab/nebulizer)
Aku di casualty ni sudah lama rupanya..dah 5 tahun..tapi selama lima tahun tu tidak pernah kami dapat jumlah pesakit yang sangat ramai(last month sahaja sudah mencapai 5414 org)..ni semua bahana "tsunami H1N1 ni la...media dan pak2 menteri tu suka2 hati buat kenyataan ,tidak pun mempertimbangkan keupayaan frontlinernya...bayangkan sajala..seorang DR nak attend 200+ patient per day...nasib baik Asst.MO kami sangat effective dan sangat membantu...sekarang ni jumlah MO hanya tinggal 4 orang sahaja..dan sistem syif pun sdh ditukar kepada oncall untuk mengurangkan stress..para MO...Aku kesian melihat pesakit yang"over anxious" tentang H1N1 ni..sepertinya baru berlaku semalam..mereka berfikir masih lagi di fasa pandemik(2-3 months yg dulu)..tapi sekarang kita sudah pun di dalam fasa mitigasi...kalau dulu kuarantin /precaution untuk elak penularan dalam komuniti..tp skrg virus sdh pun menular dalam komuniti...
seperti semalam, i ve received a call from MCA people..mention that one of our patient feel really upset because no hospital/clinic want to take a sample from his son(29 y.o)(that had a contact with Positive H1N1 )..that patient not even had ILI symptom...he threatened us to make a writtrn complaint about that issue...i've asked them to see me personally so that i can explain it in a better way..i did not blame them for not updating them self,because the guideline updated also very fast until our infection control consultant also keep updating us thru SMS...i believe there was a lot of hospital staff who not dealing directly with this H1N1 thingy still not clear about this and still insist themself to be taken a throat swab.
AT 1 am .an anxious parent brought their 11/12 old child to casualty,just having cough and flu(no fever)..according to father they drove about 2 hour +(Kuala penyu-Likas Hospital)..because they left their son at kampung but unfortunately one of their niece was positive H1N1...and just discharge from the hospital staying together in one house...luckily nothing happened along the way...in the end this parents only required REASSURANCE...
please update ur self in this current situation...don't act like u know everything but in the end just revealed ur backdated idea/issue...
to my beloved patient:don't be too anxious and panic..this may cause more PROBLEM (evitable)..H1N1 is a virus...and the nature of the virus is self-limiting(5-7 days)...unless ur having cor morbid factor like :-
- Pregnant (pregnant lady: immunity is lower than the non-pregnant one)
- Obesity
- Diabetic (low imunity)
- Chronic lung disease
- child<2>
Thanks for sharing the right info. Sa pon berabis suruh mama sa pakai mask bila p hospital ranau utk ambil ubat dan periksa tekanan darah dia. Dia ada darah tinggi bah.