Need to call in sick?Do's and Dont's

There are right and wrong ways to let your boss know you're a no-show. Most people instinctively know the best way to communicate with their particular supervisor and workplace. But if your illness has caused a sudden loss of common sense, follow these tips compiled from human resources experts and other sources.

Do speak to your supervisor directly, if possible. Sending an e-mail is a tip-off of possible fakery.

Don't attempt to fake sounding ill by using the old tricks: speaking on the phone while lying in bed or bent over the toilet. Remember, if you were an actor, you'd have a SAG card.

Do call in as early in the day as possible to give your supervisor time to plan the day without you.

Don't give your supervisor all the gory details of your illness, pain and suffering. It smacks of exaggeration. Make the call short and to the point.

Do make the call yourself.

Don't have your spouse, child or — worse — mother make the call for you unless you are hospitalized and intubated. Be a grown-up.

Do apologize for the inconvenience to your employer.

Don't call from a baseball game, bar, airport or other questionable venue.

Do call in sick when you're feeling miserable, need to see a doctor, are contagious or can't think straight.

Don't go to work looking like a walking carcass.

Do get a doctor's note if your illness requires medical treatment and a specified length of time off.

Don't use "feminine problems" as an excuse — especially if you're not a woman.

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